Focus on individuals’ problems to create your Facebook ads and get their contact details
I’m sure you’ve thought about creating Facebook ads to attract individuals more than once but not known where to start. Well in today’s post I’m going to explain how to set up your Business Manager account step-by-step, and I’ll be giving you 4 different templates to download, customise and use for your Facebook ads campaigns.
The first thing you need to do is set up your Business Manager account. Here’s a tutorial explaining how to do that.
Once you’ve created your Business Manager account, the next step is to design eye-catching text and images for the ads to get your hands on individuals’ contact details.
To do that, you should use phrases they can relate to. I suggest you focus on the problems individuals tend to have for selling their property.
A lot of the time, owners don’t have time to oversee the sale on their own and this makes them get tired and the sale take too long.
On the other hand, they usually set a sale price that’s above market price; they don’t know the real value of their property making the sale harder and longer.
Keep these difficulties in mind to come up with text for your ad. Here are a few examples.
‘Want to find out how much your home is worth?’
‘Have you been trying to sell your home for a while…? Don’t wait any longer, we can help’
Free property valuation with no commitment!
This last template cannot only be used to create your Facebook ads but also to upload on your social media and link it to your web valuation tool. Don’t worry if you don’t know how to do it, here’s our post on How to automatically attract individuals with Facebook, where you can see how you or whoever manages your social media account can create a Facebook post and link it to your web valuation tool.
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As you can see, the phrases are linked to common problems owners face: the value of their property and the time it takes for them to manage the sale.
This way, any individual wanting to sell their property and find out its true value will feel seen by the ad and will want to know how much they can get for their home and contact you. The same thing goes for individuals managing the sale on their own and finding it difficult to sell.
Once you have their contact details, you can do that first call. Here’s our post on How to convince an owner who doesn’t want agencies to help you successfully overcome that first call.
You can also try using a video for your ads. You can create a super easy video with transitions using PowerPoint.Combine several slides with different attention-grabbing messages and customise them withyour corporate colours and logo.
A little trick to make more of an impact on users is to use slides with different coloured backgrounds, mixing and matching slides with dark and light backgrounds.

DON’T FORGET! Don’t miss next week’s post, in which I’ll be explaining How to set up a Facebook Ads campaignto attract individuals using these posts.