The largest database of FSBO listings on the market in one place.

Betterplace puts all the listings together in the same place: homes, business premises, offices, lands and warehouses, both for sale and for rent. You’ll also be able to see how many agencies are listing the same property, and find out their price history.
Software Para Aumentar Tus Captaciones Betterplace

FSBO listings in Spain, Italy, Portugal and France.

You’ll find all kinds of listings: homes, business premises, offices, land and industrial warehouses, both for sale and for rent so that you can acquire properties more easily.

Download reports of any listing with your estate agency’s image

Show your clients customised reports of any listing: homes, business premises, offices, industrial warehouses, etc. both for sale and for rent. Once you have the buyer’s interest, it will be easier to attract the seller.

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Receive contacts every day, automatically.

We’re committed to continuously streamlining and updating data to improve your work processes and simplify your lead generation processes. You’ll receive contact details every day, automatically.


Get alerts if other agencies list one of your properties.

Find out whether the exclusivity agreement is being breached or whether your competition has listed one of your properties at a lower price. You’ll get alerts straight to your inbox.

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Hist0rico Mac Book

Find out the history of each property

Access the property’s history to obtain information such as when a property was listed and at what price, both by an agency and by a private owner.

Property report for owners

Send our property report to convince the owner after the first call. Show them the difference between selling it on their own or using the services of a real estate agency in their area.

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